2024-2026 Miriam Beck - Biodiversity changes in Metropolitant France - tests of methods and attribution. Funded by the IMPACTS CESAB working group

2024-2026 Joaquim Estopinan - Detection and attribution of biodiversity changes through AI. Funded by the OBSGESSION project

2020-2025 Pierre Gaüzère - Measuring and explaining the global debt of biotic homogenization in a changing world. Funded by the FutureWeb project and by the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA) project INDEPBT.

2019-2024 Nicolas Le Guillarme - Developping new AI tools for biodiversity data integration and modelling. Funded through the MIAI Grenoble project

2023-2024 Marie-Caroline Prima - Building a coherent, resilient and connected protected area network in France. In the frame of the NaturaConnect project

2021-2025 Sara Si-Moussi - Machine learning approaches applied to joint distribution modelling. Funded by collaborative projects with OFB and PatriNat (FrenchBIODIV/MODIC)

2023-2024 Anne Thomas - Dynamic responses of European mountain vegetation to nature future framework scenarios. Funded by the NaturaConnect project


2021-2024 Gabrielle Deschamp - Towards integrated models of plant species distributions and communities. Funded by the Ministry of Research. Co-sup. Clovis Galiez (LJK-Grenoble).

2023-2026 Matthias Rohr - Mechanisms of assembly of meta-communities across scales. Co-sup: Tamara Münkemüller. Funded by the ANR project PEG2

2023-2026 Marianne Tzivanopoulos - Understanding and predicting invertebrate diversity in Europe - model developpement and scenarios. Co-sup: Tamara Münkemüller and Laure Gallien. Funded by the NaturaConnect project

2023-2026 Romain Goury - Effects of glacial retreat and global change on plant and soil biodiversity. Co-sup: Tamara Münkemüller. Funded by the Biodiversa project Prioritice

2023-2026 Jeanne Tous - Detection of changes in group structure within species association networks as a function of changes in environmental parameters, and assessment of the causes of these changes. Main-sup: Julien Chiquet (INRAe Paris). Funded by the IPEF


2010-onward Julien Renaud – GIS engineer - Database manager (CNRS IE)

2014-onward Maya Gueguen - Computer Scientist - Development of FATE-H, data analyses, statistical developments (UGA IE)

2015-onward Amélie Saillard - Technical coordinator of ORCHAMP - field assistant (UGA IE)

2023-2024 Hélène Blancheteau - Development and maintenance of biomod2 (CNRS IE)

2022-2024 Choé Mahieu - Commmunication officer of Orchamp


2024 Maxime Hoareau - Impacts of trophic interactions on species distributions. ENS Lyon

2024 Lucia Oliveira - Landscape connectivity for invertebratres in France. Master Rennes. Co-sup. Marie-Caroline Prima

2024 Matteo Schweizer - Structure and phenology of vertebrate assemblages in the French Alps. Co-sup. Amélie Saillard & Vincent Miele




2006-2008 Sophie Rickebusch – "Impacts of climate and land use change on tree dynamics in France – a spatially and temporally explicit approach" funded by ANR QDiv

2007 Patrick Saccone– "Tree recruitement variation along a complex environmental gradient" funded by FP5 MACIS project

2008-2009 Francesco de Bello – "Spatial patterns of functional diversity in the French Alps" funded by ANR DIVERSITALP

2008-2009 Linda Beaumont – "Where will species go? Incorporating new advances in climate modelling into projections of species distributions"

2010-2010 Cécile Albert – "Functional traits, demography and environmental variations" funded by ANR 3Worlds 

2012- jun 2013 Isabelle Boulangeat - "Building an integrated hybrid framework to build regional biodiversity models"  funded by ANR SCION (2012) and ERC TEEMBIO (2013) projects.

2011-2013 Cécile Albert - "Vegetation dynamics and ecosystem services provision in a fragmented landscape in response to global change" funded by FP7 Marie Curie Out-going fellowship (‘DIVERSE’)

2013 Laure Gallien - How invasives get high - Understanding and predicting the geographical spread of invasive plants in alpine environments funded by ERC TEEMBIO

2010-2014 Katja Schiffers – "Assessing rapid adaptation to climate change" funded by FP7 Marie Curie fellowship ('EMMA') and ERC TEEMBIO (2012-2014)

2009-2015 Tamara Münkemüller – "Community phylogenetics and simulations" funded by ANR DIVERSITALP (2008-2011), Biodiversa CONNECT (2012-2013) and ERC TEEMBIO (2014-2015)

2013-2015 Rafaël Wüest - "Coexistence and the Evolution of Climate Niches and Functional Traits", funded by the SNF (Switzerland) and the ERC TEEMBIO (2014-2015)

2016 Florent Mazel - The geography of non-neutral functional trait evolution in mammals. Funded by the ERC TEEMBIO

2008-2016 Cristina Roquet – "A comprehensive phylogeny of the European and Alpine Flora" funded by Fundación Ramón Areces (2008-2011) and ERC TEEMBIO (2012-2015)

2017 Bradley Z. Carlson - Application of high‐resolution imagery to investigate the impacts of global change on the Mont Blanc massif. Co-sup: Anne Delestrated. Funded by the European project TourScience. 

2013-2017 Marta Carboni - "Invasive Alien Species: towards Improved MOdeling tools through Virtual ecology" funded by FP7 Marie Curie fellowship (‘IASIMOV’) and the Biodiversa WhoIsNext project.

2015-2018 Matthew Talluto - "Bayesian modeling of community distributions" funded by the ANR Odyssee.

2018 Vicente Garcia-Navas - Diversity dynamics in French land bird communities: quantifying the multiple dimensions of biodiversity from a multifaceted approach. Funded by MOPGA (short stay)

2015-2019 Laura J. Pollock - "Conserving the Legacy of Evolution into the Future" funded by the ERC TEEMBIO and H2020 Marie Curie Fellowship (CLEF)

2018-2019 Gisele Winck - Consequences of environmental changes on mutualistic interactions. Funded by the CNPq (Brazil).

2017-2020 Marta de Barba - "Functional connectivity and ecological sustainability of European ecological networks: a case study with the brown bear" funded by Biodiversa BearConnect project.

2017-2021 Philipp Brun - Analyzing relationships and scale effects in diversity facets of the alpine flora. Based at WSL Zurich with Niklaus Zimmermann. Funded by the ANR-SNF OriginAlps project.

2019-2021 Christophe Botella - Graph embeddings to compare ecological networks. Funded by the ANR EcoNet project. In collaboration with Vincent Miele & Stéphane Dray (LBBE, Lyon) and Catherine Matias (Sorbonne Univ., Paris). Funded by the ANR EcoNet.

2020-2022 Gemma Rutten - Spatial biogeography of microbes and their interactions across the French Alps. Funded by the FutureWeb project.

2021-2022 Camille Martinez-Almoyna - Plant functional effects on the spatial structure of invertebrate communities

2021-2023 Marc Ohlmann (deceased on 17 June 2023) - Nativating the methods to study ecological networks

2023 Giovanni Poggiato - Integrating trophic networks in biodiversity modelling. Funded by the NaturaConnect project

2023 Camille Desjonquères - Understanding acoustic landscape along elevational gradients. Funded by the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA) project SOUNDSCAPE

2022-2023 Rémi Patin - Biodiversity modelling using biomod2 and FATE-HD. Funded by the FeedBacks project

2023-2024 Yuqing Hu - Deep learning approaches for predictive ecology. Funded by the FeedBacks project


2006-2009  Cécile Albert - “Plant functional variations and convergences along environmental gradients in the Alps – predictions and prospectives in a global change context “. Univ. J. Fourier, Grenoble, France. Co-sup: Sandra Lavorel. Funded by a Polytechnique bursary

2007-2010 Greg O. Hughes - “Advancing Habitat Suitability Modelling Approaches For Use In Climate Change Impact Assessment and Species Conservation". Univ. of Cape Town, South Africa. Co-sup: Guy Midgley (SANBI) & Bruce Hewitson (UCT)

2008-2011  Morgane Barbet-Massin - Predict the potential impacts of climate change on the distribution and diversity of European birds. Université Pierre and Marie Curie, France. Sup. Fred Jiguet

2008-2012  Isabelle Boulangeat - Vulnerability ofmountainous ecosystems to global change - a spatially explicit modeling approach and conservation implications, Univ. of Grenoble, France. Funded by the FP6 Ecochange project.

2009-2013  Laure Gallien - How invasives get high - Understanding and predicting the geographical spread of invasive plants in alpine environments. Univ. of Grenoble, France. Co-sup: Sébastien Lavergne. Funded by the Ministery of Research.

2010-2013  Florian Boucher - Evolutionary response and species range change of Alpine plants in a climate change context. Univ. of Grenoble, France. Co-sup: Sébastien Lavergne. Funded by the Ministery of Research (Polytechnique).

2010-2014  Laure Zupan - Suitability of European protected areas in respect to evolutionary history and ecosystem functions. Univ. of Grenoble, France. Co-sup: Mar Cabeza (Univ. Helsinki). Funded by the ANR SCION project.

2012-2015 Loïc Chalmandrier - From communities to multi-trophic metacommunities: disentangling the features of diversity patterns. Co-sup: Sébastien Lavergne and Tamara Münkemüller. Funded by the ENS Paris.

2011-2015 Laüra Meller - Strategies to make spatial conservation prioritization less susceptible to uncertainty. Univ. of Helsinki, Finland. Co-sup: Mar Cabeza (Helsinki, Finland).

2012-2015 Florent Mazel - Understanding and protecting vertebrate diversity worldwide. Co-sup: Sébastien Lavergne. Funded by the ENS Lyon.

2013-2016 Bradley Z. Carlson - Species and Community Distribution Modelling in high elevation landscapes: application of high‐resolution imagery. Co-sup: Philippe Choler. Funded by the Ministery of Research 

2014-2017 Ceres Barros - Study of ecosystem stability across spatial and trophic scales. Co-Sup: Tamara Münkemüller. Funded by the ERC TEEMBIO project.

2015-2018 João Braga - Studying the spatial diversity of ecological networks and their conservation implications. Co-sup: Stéphane Dray. Funded by the ARC Environnement 2014. 

2016-2019 Marc Ohlmann - Toward a spatial theory of interaction networks in Ecology: concepts, methods and applications. Funded by the Ministry of Research

2017-2020 Sara Si-Moussi - Contribution of data mining to ecological communities modelling. co-sup: Mickael Hedde (Eco & Sol, INRA), Esther Galbrun (INRIA). Funded by the INRA-INRIA fellowship.

2017-2021 Camille Martinez-Almoyna - Plant-soil associations along environmental gradients:
From trophic groups to multi-functionality. Co-sup: Tamara Münkemüller. Funded by the Ministry of Research

2017-2021 Yohann Chauvier - Developing multi-facetted approaches to plant conservation planning in the European Alps. Co-sup: Niklaus Zimmermann (WSL, Zurich). Funded by the ANR-SNF OriginAlps project.

2018-2022 Irene Calderón-Sanou - Towards a better understanding of soil multi- trophic biodiversity through the use of environmental DNA metabarcoding. Co-sup: Tamara Münkemüller. Funded by the ANR GlobNets

2019-2022 Billur Bektaş - Transient dynamics of Alpine grasslands – linking biodiversity and ecosystem functions in a warming world. Co-sup: Tamara Münkemüller. Funded by the Ministry of Research

2019-2022 Louise O'Connor - Predicting and anticipating global change effects on large-scale ecological networks. Co-sup: Laura J. Pollock (McGill Univ., Canada).

2019-2022 Emmanuel Faure - Rewilding of the Alps - a modeling and socio-economic perspective. Sup: Sandra Lavorel (LECA, Grenoble) and Harold Levrel (CIRED, Paris). Funded by the IPEF.

2019-2023 Giovanni Poggiato - Integrating ecological dependencies in biodiversity models. Co-sup: Julyan Arbel (INRIA, Grenoble). Funded by the ANR Gambas project

2019-2023 Daria Bystrova - Dimension reduction in Joint Species Distribution Models and Density estimation. Co-sup: Julyan Arbel (INRIA, Grenoble). Funded by the Ministry of Research

Research Assistants

2007-2009 Claire Lagaye – GIS engineer - Database manager

2007-2010 Bruno Lafourcade – Computer Scientist - Work on BIOMOD

2010-2011 Samuel Pironon – Research Assistant - Impacts of climate change on diseases

2012-2013 Mathieu Faure - Functional trait measurements

jun2013-july2013 Amélie Saillard - Functional trait measurements

2010-2014 Damien Georges – Computer Scientist - Development of FATE-H / BIOMOVE / BIOMOD

2016-2017 Damien Georges – Computer Scientist - Development of BIOMOD

2010-2016 Marti Boleda – Molecular ecologist - PCRs

2017-2018 Baptiste Lemaire - Field assistant on observatory networks (Orchamp, GlacioCLIM). Funded by the CDP Trajectories.

2017-2020 Louise Boulangeat - Field assistant, trait sampling and lab work. Member of the Origin-Alps project.

2018-2023 Clément Lionnet - Bioinformatics - Environmental DNA analyses. Member of the GlobNet project.


2006 Cécile Albert - “Dynamique de colonisation des ligneux dans les prairies subalpines : application à Larix decidua“. Ecole polytechnique - INAPG, Paris. Co-sup: Sandra Lavorel

2006-2007 Darren Houniet – "Past, current and potential future distributions of the Dwarf Chameleons (Bradypodion) of South Africa." Univ. of Cape Town, South Africa. Co-sup: Kristal Tolley & Les Hunderhill

2007  Bruno Lafourcade - “Accounting for uncertainties in climate change projections“. Univ. of Toulouse, France

2008  Isabelle Boulangeat - Plant community structure of the French Alps - specialist versus generalist species, Univ. of Grenoble, France       

2009 Laure Gallien - Relationships between exogenous and indigenous species at various spatial scales, Univ. of Grenoble, France.

2009 Clément Quétel - Sampling of the Alpine Flora, Univ. of Lille, France.

2010 Laure Zupan - Reserve selection in the French Alps in a climate and land use change context. Univ. of Grenoble, France

2010 Florian Boucher - Evolutionary history of alpine flora - niche, traits and species diversification. A case study with the Androsace genus. Ecole polytechnique - INAPG, Paris. Co-sup: Sébastien Lavergne.

2010 Samuel Pironon - Impacts of climate change on keystone species in France. Univ. of Metz.

2011 Pauline Philippe - Modeling vegetation dynamics in the Alps. ENS - Lyon / Univ. of Grenoble. Co-sup: I. Boulangeat.

2011 Loic Chalmandrier - Inferring mechanisms of community assembly through community phylogenetics. ENS - INAPG, Paris. Co-sup: T. Münkemüller & S. Lavergne.

2011 Florent Mazel - Integrating community phylogenetics into species distribution models. ENS - Lyon. Co-sup: Laure Gallien

2012 Florent Mazel - Species, phylogenetic and functional area relationships. ENS - Lyon.

2013 Sarah Duchazaubeneix - Environmental drivers of multiple facets of European biodiversity. Co-Sup: Laure Zupan.

2013 Bradley Z. Carlson - Dynamic habitat filtering of species distribution models in the Chamonix Valley, France. Univ. Grenoble. Co-Sup: Phillipe Choler.

2013 Alexandre Génin - Functional and phylogenetic turnover across space and millenia. ENS-Lyon. Co-Sup: Loïc Chalmandrier.

2014 Solène Knipping - Applying multi-facetted diversity-area relationships to understand plant invasion in islands. ENS-Lyon. Co-Sup: Florent Mazel & Hannah Marx. 

2015 João Braga - Integrating phylogeny and space in the study of traits - environment relationships. Univ. of Grenoble. Co-sup. Stéphane Dray (LBEE, Lyon)

2015 Solène Knipping - How does productivity relates to functional and phylogenetic diversity over space? ENS-Lyon.

2016 Marc Olhmann -  Déterminants de la structure spatiale des réseaux de co-occurrence plantes-champignons-bactéries dans les prairies subalpines. Ecole Polytechnique - Master EBE - Paris.

2017 Paul Dufour - Contexte biogeo-climatique de l'évolution de la migration chez les oiseaux. Univ. of Montpellier. Co-sup. Sébastien Lavergne.

2017 Lily Dunyach - Conservation of phylogenetic and functional diversity of the Alps. Univ. Grenoble-Alpes. Co.sup. Laura J. Pollock.

2017 Camille Martinez-Almoyna - Effects of multi-trophic assemblages on ecosystem multi-functionality. Univ. of Montpellier. Co-sup. Tamara Münkemüller.

2018 Irene Calderon-Sanou - “How sensitive are ecological analyses from environmental DNA to molecular and bioinformatic pipelines?". Univ. of Montpellier.

2019 Louise O'Connor - Protecting the European trophic network of vertebrates. Master 2 Biodiversité et evolution, Sorbonne Univ. Co-sup: L.J. Pollock

2019 Billur Bektaş - Simulating plant vegetation dynamics and confronting to experimental data. Master 2 BEE, Univ. Grenoble Alpes. Co-sup: T. Münkemüller

2019 Sarah Weil - The impact of soil microbial activity on plant diversity along Alpine elevational gradients. Master 2 Sciences de l'environnement, Dijon. Co-sup: T. Münkemüller

2019 Daria Bystrova - Joint Species Distribution Models: Review and Methodological development. Master of Science in Industrial and Applied Mathematics. Co-sup: Julyan Arbel (INRIA)

2019 Giovanni Poggiato - Joint Species Distribution Models: dissecting their mathematical properties and future prospects. Master Politecnico di Milano. Co-sup: Julyan Arbel (INRIA)

2020 Lucas Batier - Detecting mowing and grazing across the Alps from high-resolution satellite imageries and artificial intelligence. ENSIMAG -  Grenoble. Chair MIAI-RS.

Guillaume Delaitre - Multi-trophic responses to environmental drivers around the world. Univ. of Montpellier.

2021 - Paul Thienpont - Disantangling soil metacommunities through space. ENS Lyon.

2021 - Gabrielle Deschamp - Contrasting trait-based modeling approaches on the alpine flora. Univ. Grenoble Alpes.

2021 - Jérémy Andréoletti - Building and testing multi-trophic species distribution models. Univ. Paris Saclay - ENS Paris - Polytechnique.

2022 Yoann Cartier - Using Artificial Intelligence to predict EUNIS habitat classes in space and time. Funded by the ESA funded project E04DIVERSITY (ENSIMAG student).

2022 Elias Chetouane - An semi-automatic pipeline to gather, clean and annotate camera-trap pictures from the Orchamp program . Main supervisor: Vincent Miele (LBBE, Lyon).

2021-2022 Choé Mahieu - Harnessing and disseminating Orchamp data and protocoles. (IBGE Montpellier)

2022 Hichem Saghrouni> - Species invasive modelling through deep-learning. master Mathématiques Vision Apprentissage (MVA), ENS Paris-Saclay. Co-sup: Sara Si-Moussi (LECA)

2023 Romain Goury - Understanding earthworm effects on soil biodiversity and functioning. Co-Sup: T. Münkemüller.


2004 Honour's student: Adeline Fayolle - “Variation of morphological and reproductive traits of Protea species along bioclimatic gradients”, ENSA-Montpellier, France

2007 Honour's student: Alex Soudant - “Traits de graines et variation inter- et intra spécifique le long d’un gradient environnemental complexe”, Univ. of Bordeaux, France, Co-sup: Cécile Albert

2007 Honour's student: Emmanuel Dortel - “Modélisation de la réponse des populations d'insectes aux changements globaux : comparaison des effets d'une augmentation de la température et d'une modification d'usage des terres sur les coléoptères scarabéides coprophages”, Univ. of Montpellier, France, Co-sup: Pierre Jay-Robert (CEFE, Montpellier)

2008 Bachelor's student: Florent Mazel - Spatial variation of alpha and beta functional diversity along an altitudinal gradient, ENS Lyon, France

2008 Honour's student: Florian Boucher - Réponse de la végétation aux changements climatiques et aux changements d’utilisation des terres dans la vallée de la Guisane (05): paramétrage et test de sensibilité d’un modèlede paysage (LAMOS). Ecole Polytechnique, promotion X2005. Co-sup: Cécile Albert.

2009 Bachelor's student: Coline Byczek - Eléments de validation de l'utilisation de la technique de remote sensing pour l'évaluation de la biodiversité végétale des prairies alpines, ENS Lyon, France

2009 Honour's student: Steve Prate - Multiple realized niche of invasive species worldwide. Entente Franco-Québécoise

2010 Honour's student: Pierre Alain Sachiet - A comprehensive test of the MAXENT model (Shipley et al. 2001 Science) on the Alpine Flora. Ecole Polytechnique. Co-sup. Cécile Albert.

2012 Honour’s student: Kira Buelhoff - A comprehensive functional trais database for European vertebrates. Erasmus - Rurh-Universität Bochum (Germany). 

2013 Honour’s student: Maya Guéguen - Impacts of climat and land use change on multiple facets of Alpine biodiversity - INSA Lyon. Co-Sup: Damien Georges

2014 Bachelor's student: Laura Vecera - Climatic niche evolution of Phyteuma. Co-Sup: Cristina Roquet & Sébastien Lavergne.

2015 Honour’s student: Marc Olhmann - Construction et analyse de réseaux de co occurrence partielle à partir de données de metabarcoding collectées le long d'un gradient environnemental à Valloire (Alpes françaises). Ecole Polytechnique. Co-sup: Loïc Chalmandrier & Sebastien Lavergne

2015-2016 Bachelor's student: Marvin Plein - Simulating vegetation dynamics in the Mont Blanc area. Univ of Freiburg (Germany).

2016 Bachelor's student: Giovanni Poggiato - Towards a spatially-explicit model of plant dynamlics and herbivores. Centrale Lyon. 

2017 Bachelor's student: Giovanni Poggiato - Bayesian networks to detect multi-trophic interactions. Centrale Lyon. Co-sup: Marc Olhmann

2017 Honour's student: Irene Calderon - The role of traits, environment and species interactions for invasions. Stage Master I. Univ. of Montpellier. Co-sup: Marta Carboni & Laura Pollock

2017-2018 Honour’s student: Louise O'Connor - Optimising the protection of trophic networks in Europe. ENS Paris (Césure)

2018 Honour's student: Mary Varoux  - Defining zoogeographical regions based on multi-trophic interactions in Europe. Univ. of Montpellier

2018 Honour's student: Billur Bektaş - Plant functional grouping at an Alpine valley plant-soil feedbacks related traits. Excellence scholarship IDEX-UGA. Univ. Grenoble Alps. Co-sup: Tamara Münkemüller

2018 Honour's student: Ruth Stephan - Modelling species distributions in the Mont-Blanc area. Univ. of Freiburg (Germany)

2018 Bachelor's student: Floriane Fournier - Soil multi-trophic distance decays along an elevational gradient.  ENS Lyon. Co-Sup: Florent Mazel (Univ. British Columbia) & Marc Ohlmann.

2020 Gabrielle Deschamp - Trait-based modelling as a tool to investigate ecosystem desequilibrium. Univ. Grenoble Alpes.

2020 Antoine Manteaux - Extending Essential Biodiversity Variables to environmental DNA measurements. Ecole Polytechnique Paris-Saclay.

2020-2021 Chloé Mahieu - Data analyses and scientific outreach of Orchamp.

2021 - Servane  Demarquet - Quantifying, mapping and protecting nature contributions to people from vertebrate data in Europe. Ecole Polytechnique Paris-Saclay

2021 - Zoé Pelta - Post-fire multi-trophic community construction. Ecole Polytechnique Paris-Saclay

2022 - Maxime Delprat - Modelling vegetation dynamics in the Mont Blanc area. M1 Modélisation des systèmes écologiues (Toulouse). Co-encadré avec Maya Guéguen

2022 - Elénore Chenevois - Mapping and protecting vertebrate diversity in Europe under current and future conditions. Ecole Polytechnique Paris-Saclay

2022 Mathieu Bianic - Comparaison de l'efficacité de plusieurs marqueurs pour retrouver la diversité des arthropodes dans les communautés d'Orchamp. DU Grenoble. Co-encadré avec Camille Martinez-Almoyna

2022-2023 Thomas Ominus - Evaluation of biotic homogenization in time and space. Main-Sup: P. Gaüzere.


Mr. Olivier Broennimann (PhD) (Univ. of Lausanne, Switzerland). Oct 2004- Janv 2005.

Mr. Darren Houniet (Msc) (South African Biodiversity Institute, Cape Town, South Africa) Sep2006-Oct2006

Ms. Sara Vallecillo (PhD) (Centre Tecnològic Forestal de Catalunya, Solsona, Spain) Nov2006-Dec2006

Dr. Nuria Roura-Pascual (Univ. of Girona, Spain) Jan2007-Feb2007

Dr. Linda Beaumont (Macquarie University NSW, Australia) March 2007

Mr. Donald Midoko Iponga (PhD) (Centre for Invasion Biology, Stellenbosch, South Africa) Sept2007-Oct2007

Ms. Nuria Gasso (PhD) (CSIC, Sevilla, Spain) Sept2007-Oct2007 / March 2008

Dr. Colin Yates (CSIRO, Camberra, Australia) Feb 2008

Dr. Danni Guo (SANBI, Cape Town, South Africa) Feb 2008

Dr. Lydia Ries (Univ. Santa Barbara, USA) Feb 2008

Ms. Laetitia Buisson (Univ. of Toulouse) Dec 2008

Dr. Christine Meynard (Univ. of Montpellier) Dec 2008

Ms. Marta Carboni (Univ. of Roma) Jan-March 2009 / Jan - March 2010

Ms. Maria Trivino (CSIC, Madrid) Oct - Dec 2009 / Jan - June 2010

Dr. Dominique Gravel (Univ. of Rimousky, Canada) March-April 2011

Dr. Belinda Gallardo (Univ. of Cambridge, UK) July 2011

Mr. Cory Merow (Univ. Connecticut, US) Oct 2011

Ms. Heini Kujala (Univ. of Helsinki, Finland) Oct 2011

Dr. Mihai Puscas (Cluj, Romania) March-June 2012

Ms. Mireia Valle Tobar (Sukarrieta, Spain) March 2012

Dr. Dominique Gravel (Univ. of Rimousky, Canada) Juin 2012

Mr. Rafael Wüest (WSL, Zurich) Sept 2012

Dr. Marc Cadotte (Univ. Toronto, Canada) Oct 2012

Dr. Jonathan T. Davies (McGill Univ, Canada) Oct 2012

Dr. Cécile Albert (McGill Univ, Canada) Oct 2012

Dr. Niklaus Zimmermann (WSL, Zurich) Dec 2011

Ms. Isabel Cabra Rivas (Univ. Alcala, Spain). Nov 2012 - Feb2013

Dr. David Bourke (Univ. Dublin, Ireland) Jan 2013

Dr. Niklaus Zimmermann (WSL, Zurich) Feb 2013

Dr. Niklaus Zimmermann (WSL, Zurich) March 2013

Dr. Pedro Peres-Neto (Univ. Quebec, Montréal, Canada) March 2013

Dr. Cécile Albert (Univ. McGill, Canada) April 2013

Dr. Frédéric Guillaume (ETH-Zurich), May 2013

Dr. Jonathan T. Davies (McGill Univ, Canada) June 2013

Dr. Heini Kujala (Melbourne University, Australia) July 2013

Dr. Cérès Barros (Aberdeen Univ.) October 2013

Dr. Justin Travis (Aberdeen Univ.) October 2013

Ms. Julia Laube (Univ. of München) November-December 2013

Dr. David Bourke (Univ. Dublin, Ireland) March-April 2014

Dr. Jake Alexander (Univ. of Zurich, Switzerland) March 2014

Dr. Niklaus Zimmermann (WSL, Zurich) May 2014
Dr. Erin Cameron (Univ. Helsinky), May 2014
Dr. Olivier Cotto (Univ. of Zurich), June 2014

Dr. Dominique Gravel (Univ. Rimousky, Canada) June 2014
Dr. Isabelle Boulangeat (Univ. Rimousky, Canada) June 2014
Dr. Beth Crase (National University of Singapore) July 2014

Dr. Brendan Wintle (Univ. of Melbourne) Nov 2014

Dr. Nathan Kraft (Univ. of California). June 2015.
Dr. Damaris Zurell (WSL, Zurich) June 2015.
Dr. Ariana Kubartova (Univ. Upsalla) June 2015
Dr. Nathalie Jane Brisco (Univ. of Melbourne) July 2015
Dr. Reid Tingley (Univ. of Melbourne) July 2015

Ms. Freya Thomas (Univ. of Melbourne) July-August 2015

Dr. Luca Santini (Iniv. of Roma) April - August 2016

Dr. Karel Mokany (Univ. of Melbourne) May - July 2016

Ms. Idaline Laigle (Univ. of Rimousky) Nov 2016

Dr. Ulrich Brose (iDIV, Germany) May 2017

Dr. Santiago Solliveres (Univ of Bern) May 2017

M. Christophe Boletta (Univ. of Montpellier) June 2017

Dr. Ceres Barros (Pacific Forestry Centre, Victoria), Dec 2017

Dr. Pablo Lucas (Univ. of Krakova) Nov 2017 - March 2018

Prof. James Clark (Dukes Univ) Dec 2018

Dr. Nicolas Loiseau (Univ. Montpellier II, MARBEC-CEFE) March 2019

Dr. Isaac Paterson (Helsinki) April 2019

Mr. Ian Ondo (Kew Garden) April 2019

Dr. Samuel Pironon (Kew Garden) April 2019

Dr. Darren Southwell (QAECO, Melbourne) June 2019

Dr. Isaac Peterson (FMNH, Helsinki) June 2019

Pr. Mariana Vale (Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil) March 2021-March 2022

Pr. Marcio Argollo de Menezes (Universidade Federal Fluminense, Brazil) March 2021-March 2022

Simone Giachello (Universite de Milano, Italy) Oct 2022-Jan 2023

Chiara Dragonetti (Sapienza University, Roma, Italy) Jan 2023-May 2023